When I start to think of the New Year! I start to get nervous at times! Thinking...will this be a good year? Will I accomplish much? Will I keep the promises I made to myself? I'm not going to lie it puts me under extreme pressure. More than likely because I'm getting older and my goals are getting more and more specific and exact. I am going to graduate college this year...FINALLY! At least I think I am. And step out into the world of professional theatre and Big entertainment. Which already sounds intimidating, but optimistic, for I have some things already lined up. And with that! I can't lie, this year has been amazing. For my personnel, professional, and artistic growth. Unlike any other year before, when I look back on this year it will not be a blurry memory. So with that here I am. I am going to do something that I usually only put in Journals that I usually don't read again. However today on the 31st of December, 2011 I am going to write my goals for the upcoming year right here on this blog. Which hopefully will mean I will be more inclined to read it and check my progress!
1. I'm going to pray more!
2. I'm going to write more! (Poetry,songs,journals & Blogging)
3. I am going to wear more make-up.
4. Take better care of my skin and natural hair.
5. Be kinder to people that are close to me and love me. (For they are the ones we treat the worse at times)
6. I'm going to take better care of my health this year. I want to really start eating more organically and incorporating more exercise into my day to day activities.
7. Get deeper into meditation.
8. Really take my Voice to new levels I never have this year.
9. Make my acting as strong as my voice.
10. Spend more time with my family.
11. Learn to love myself even more than I do now. Whatever is left over! Learn to improve whatever I dislike.
12. Get a paying role in a musical,play or film.
13. Get my name out there more.
14. Take my Blog to another level.
15. Become non-judgemental!
I already have some real cool exciting news I can't wait to share with you. Which I will be in the next couple of weeks!
So as you can see I have a lot of work to do this year. And all of those things have nothing to do with the other responsibilities I have! Basically being an adult is hard. Growing up is a huge responsibility, but I think rewarding. My lifestyle deserves this make-over and I can't wait to have this conversation next year around this time!
Anyways! I had a party last night at mi casa with some close friends. And we exchanged gifts!

Top-Bodysuit ASOS
Booties-Lane Bryant
Neckalces-Forever21/street vendor
Sorry they're blurry! The lighting in my Apartment isn't the best. I also need to invest a better camera! For me having a blog to tell you the truth I am really bad with electronics! Hope its not that bad for you guys! Enjoy your New Year's Eve and Happy New Year's you guys! Remember to Embrace the Fatness 4 a Thicker Culture! And Love yourself! If you don't nobody else will be able to!