I work at a great place called Art House, its a production company at the forefront of the artistic community right here in Jersey City NJ. Recently was there annual SnowBall! Their biggest fundraiser/party of the year. Tickets are $90, but instead of working it, us lovely workers get to volunteer, get dressed up and join in on the happenings. What's happening? Open bar...all night, free food all night, a live band and a DJ and the who's who of the artistic and creative community here in Jersey City. The dance crowd is filled with poets, writers, musicians, singers, sculptors, painters, jewelry makers and businessmen!!! The mayor comes out and even a few yuppies! So us starving artist, politicians, and dreamers of all walks of life are jammin and mingling on one dance floor. In the Winter, while it's snowing outside. Nothing is quite like it.
Of course I went through a period of...what am I gonna wear, what am I gonna wear? But I promised myself to cool it on spending after the holidays and to put no heat on my hair or anything since I took my weave out. And I am proud to say I did my own nails, rocked my own natural hair and wore things from my closet that have just been laying around. The dress? The dress you say, well it was a gift from my sister from like last year, never worn it had tags on it and all. To tell you the truth I am extremely insecure about my arms it's the most insecure part of my body, but I've been working out and feeling stronger so I went for it, and got tons of compliments. I was gonna go bare legged because I don't own a stocking or tight in flesh tone, but I said no it's cold, so I wore black tights with these silver character shoes that I really use for performing an auditioning but it went along with the flapper feel of the look. I mean the attire was black tie CREATIVE and creative it was. Good times and a great night. 2014, I like u!!!!

Shoes- Character dance shoes
Tights-Ashley Stewart
Clutch-Old navy

Shoes- Character dance shoes
Tights-Ashley Stewart
Clutch-Old navy